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DTN Team



EDIFY Research


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Phase 1 Project Goals (Aug, 05-May, 06)

1. Designing enhanced naming scheme that can cope with network mobility and partitions

2. Desigining DTN Unicast & Multicast Routing Schemes

3. QoS-Based Bundle Acceptance Algorithm

4. Ferry Scheduling Scheme

5. Prototyping DTN Bundle Security Protocol (only Walter Scheirer)

Phase 2 Project Goals (Aug, 06-Aug, 08)

1. Design and Implement DTN Jabber Proxy

The design and implementation experience of this proxy is summarized in the CHANT 2008 paper we published. Researchers who are interested in playing with the proxy can send an email to (chuah at cse dot lehigh dot edu) to request for the code) after the funding agency has approved the release.

2. Design DTN Intergroup Unicast and Multicast Schemes

The design and evaluation results of our intergroup unicast and multicast schemes have been documented in several papers e.g. MSN 2008 paper. Simulation codes for these schemes will be released upon the approval of the funding agency. Researchers who are interested in playing with such codes can send an email to (chuah at cse dot lehigh dot edu).

3. Design and Implement IBE-based Key Management Scheme that works with Bundle Security Protocol

The implementation our IBE-based key management scheme uses Stanford's PBC library and Miracl library. Hence, our code is only available to academic researchers.

4. Building and Experimenting with Testbeds

A demo illustrating the priority, local multicast and security features has been given at Fort AP Hill Phase 2 Demo Day in Nov 2007

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Phase 3 Project Goals (Sept, 08-June 10)

1. Design and Implement Data Centric Security

Our data centric security solution is based on ciphertext-based attribute-based encryption system. Our solution provides revocation and dynamic attribute features. More details will be provided in the near future.

2. Design and Implement Content-based Access System

We are among the first groups that design schemes for content-based information retrieval for DTNs. We have also built a late-binding router that allows secure role-based and location-based messages to be sent in DTNs. Our implementation is built on top of the reference DTN2 implementation.

3. Building Testbeds for evaluating Interdomain Routing Scheme

Our implementation currently allows messages to be exchanged between different domains running enhanced Prophet and RAPID.